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Choose Medtech Evolution
for your practice

The nation’s most established, flexible and connected Practice Management System

Medtech has led the market in Practice Management Systems (PMS) for nearly 30 years and today over 80% of general practices in New Zealand use Medtech to deliver high-quality professional services. Medtech Evolution gives you the familiarity you know and love, with a host of features and benefits no other product can offer.

Choose Medtech Evolution for your practice

Whether you’re ready to migrate from Medtech32 or looking for the right PMS solution for your health care organisation, Medtech Evolution gives you choice

Flatten your learning curve

When you move to Medtech, you join over 85% of New Zealand practices so it’s likely your staff and locums have come from a Medtech practice too. Less training time, less downtime. And when you migrate from Medtech32 to Medtech Evolution all your data and all your shortcuts, patient information and workflows come too. Less setup, less downtime.

Practice from anywhere

Whether you’re in the middle of a city, in a rural community or on a Pacific Island, Evolution will work for you. With Medtech you can have your data on premise. Or we can host it. Or your IT partner can host it. Or move to the Medtech Cloud and enjoy the benefits of the latest technology, security, performance, plus backup, 4G fail-over and disaster recovery. You choose.

Boost your security

The Medtech Partnership Programme tests and vets the security of all third parties, applications and health services and requires your practice consent for all connections to your PMS. Our Medtech ALEX® API provides a secure, robust connection to your PMS for an ecosystem of vendors designing innovative solutions for primary care.

Futureproof your practice

Evolution is a Microsoft-based product and has all the advantages of one of the world’s most recognisable platforms. Everyone knows Microsoft which is good news for your staff and trainees, while your business will enjoy all the benefits of Microsoft stability, performance, development, integration, database flexibility and scale.

Choose the cloud

Take advantage of Evolution’s functionality, performance and stability coupled with Medtech Cloud protection from equipment and environmental disasters. Enjoy built-in security, fixed monthly costs and automatic software updates. Cloud technology is designed for interoperability, so you’ll join a digital ecosystem of the latest applications and services designed to save time, cut your practice costs and improve patient care.

Own your data

With Medtech your data belongs to your practice. When you migrate from Medtech32 to Evolution all the information authored by your practice comes with you including patient healthcare information, workflows, keyboard short cuts, financials, invoices and claiming history. If you grow or change your business, you can extract your data, merge it or take it with you.

Choose Medtech Evolution for your health care organisation

Medtech Evolution is customisable to suit the way you care for your patients. General practice, specialists and allied health professionals choose Medtech to deliver high quality, connected health care.

General Practitioner
Allied Health
Māori and Pasifika Health Provider

Get connected and protected, migrate to Medtech Evolution Cloud

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