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Data driven healthcare

Boost workflow efficiency

DrInfo boosts workflow efficiency in GP practices by providing proactive, data-driven insights on critical areas such as enrolments, recalls, and condition monitoring.

DrInfo’s audit tool looks for patients in your PMS who are due for screenings, preventative care, inoculations, or ongoing monitoring. This ensures practices can easily find patients who need to be seen and ensure they optimise available funding for targeted services. 

Medtech have partnered with DataCraft Analytics, a trusted partner of PHOs across New Zealand. Their data insights at a regional level help drive population health initiatives. Better data integration between practices and PHOs means insights seen at a regional level can be actioned at the practice level, enabling more precise and effective interventions.

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Metrics that reflect reality

DrInfo’s granular metrics capture important insights to inform patient care. For example, data will not only capture a patient’s condition, but whether they have been tested for it, whether they’re on medication for the condition and whether they are coded for the condition in the PMS.

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Improved patient care

DrInfo automates the data entry and recall processes to improve practice efficiency and free up staff to focus on direct patient care. For example, patient lists can be generated from each metric for bulk recalls via SMS.

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Improved practice efficiency

DrInfo dashboards help practices keep their finger on the pulse of patient and practice financial health by helping them identify funding opportunities for extended patient care and perform better on PHO metrics. 

In partnership with DataCraft Analytics

DrInfo is partnered with DataCraft Analytics. While DrInfo is focused on practice-level data, DataCraft Analytics works with PHOs across New Zealand, providing them with the tools and expertise to perform population-level analytics.

This partnership allows for better data integration so that insights from a regional level can be actioned at the practice level, enabling precise and effective interventions.

You can read more about our partnership with DataCraft Analytics here.

Choose DrInfo for your health care organisation

DrInfo boosts workflow efficiency in GP practices by providing data on critical areas such as enrolments, recalls and condition monitoring. 

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