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PEHA and Medtech partnership is a Private Emergency Department efficiency game changer

PEHA and Medtech partnership is a Private Emergency Department efficiency game changer

PEHA and Medtech partnership is a Private Emergency Department efficiency game changer

Private Emergency Health Australia (PEHA) is emerging as Australia’s new powerhouse opening three Private Emergency Departments (EDs) in Queensland in just 18 months.

PEHA Clinical Director, Dr Philip Gaudin attributes PEHA’s extraordinary growth to systems, people and partnerships and cannot stress the positive impact of Medtech for Accident and Emergency (A&E) enough.

“Private Systems are all about efficiency and while technology is a blessing, it can also slow doctors down,” said Dr Gaudin.

Medtech A&E’s Flexibility and Speed Key in Private EDs

Dr Gaudin said having a complete clinical and non-clinical system which was quick and flexible was absolutely key and Medtech has a number of exclusive features which help in the busy A&E environment.

“Often with medical software they allow an A + B + C scenario.  You can run multiple screens at the same time and click between them on Medtech so I can be writing my notes, and I can click back to screening and the observations there and then click back to my notes.  That is the superior function that you guys have over others where you can’t go from A to C unless you go through B,” Dr Gaudin said.

“I like being able to click out of windows without having to click save too.  Some systems when you have to click out it asks you, ‘Are you finished?’ or ‘Do you want to save this?’  The whole point I have written my notes is because I am busy and I am halfway through writing them and now I have to go and see another patient so I don’t need to be clicking ‘Save’ or ‘Confirm’ every time.”

PEHA studied alternatives before choosing Medtech 

While Dr Gaudin said the “easy choice was always to go with Medtech,” he still studied what he felt was the only other viable alternative in the market, to make sure it was the right fit.

“To be honest, there was no competition at all.  The other ED module is not something I would ever consider as it is not very user friendly although it is used in some private EDs.”

Although Dr Gaudin did his own assessment, their first ED insisted on having their IT Expert also do a comparison.

“Medtech won all five categories versus the other ED system.  I’ve kept that document because then when I go to new hospitals and they say, can you compare all of the software I say no, that’s not happening, I’ve done it once, this is also the IT expert’s assessment so if you want to see his recommendation, it’s the same as mine,” he said.

Kiosks and Telehealth is next for technology in EDs

While not claiming to be a medical technology expert, Dr Gaudin thinks the next two big things in EDs will be check-in kiosks and telehealth.

“I love that Airport Lounge thing where you come in and swipe your Medicare card and it just automatically registers.  I love that idea,” he said.

As EDs check in and triage patients in separate processes, he feels this would save significant and valuable administration staff time.

Other than kiosks, Dr Gaudin says telehealth is becoming more popular and everyone wants to become an expert.

“At the moment we get around 4 referrals a day from GPs and often they call us on the phone but if they use telehealth I might be able to look at the rash and say, no, that’s fine, that doesn’t need to come through to me or visa versa, or no that does need to come to me and I should check that out,” Dr Gaudin said.

PEHA and Medtech both have eyes on the long-term

While still new in the business of running Private EDs as a young company, PEHA is definitely looking at long-term, sustainable partnerships with their eye on future growth and development.

“We are keen to continue our relationship with Medtech and working on a way to provide Emergency Care for patients in the Private setting to improve efficiency and most importantly to be user-friendly for the doctors, nursing and admin staff.  That is the truth of it.  Our whole business model is not about in and out, it is more about say in 10 years’ time, now we have three, maybe we will have a few extra and be very much a part of the landscape and Medtech would be very much a part of that too,” Dr Gaudin said.

At Medtech we value these partnership and look forward to working closely with PEHA in delivering the best patient experience possible in their Emergency Departments.